How To Install A Pocket Door

How To Install A Pocket Door

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We’ve been working on remodeling our basement for about 3 years. It wouldn’t have taken so long if we didn’t keep running into problems. (e.g. electrical wiring nightmare and collapsing foundation, just to name a few.) But now we are getting to the point where things are finally starting to pay off and we are seeing some progress.

The next step for us was installing a pocket door. I used the tutorial in the link below for help and it worked out great. Having a pocket door is great because it saves floor space. However, you do have to remove the wall and rebuild the support beams so that there is room for the pocket door to travel inside the wall. The wall must be wide enough for the door and it must be free of plumbing, wiring, or ductwork too.

If you’re looking to close off an area in your home with this space-saving idea, check out the tutorial! It was very helpful and makes it much easier to do than you think!

How To Install A Pocket Door

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