Warning! This Plant Can Ruin Your Summer

Warning! This Plant Can Ruin Your Summer

Warning! This Plant Can Ruin Your Summer

“When you venture outside this summer, be on the lookout for Wild Parsnip. The poisonous weed which grows in nearly all 50 states, causes burning and itching sensations. Parsnip looks like a dill plant or Queen Anne’s lace. It is yellow and can grow about four feet tall.

Large patches of wild parsnip, also called poison parsnip, can be found in road ditches, fields, along bike trails and in prairie areas. In a short amount of time, it can take over an area and crowd out the native plants.

Chemicals in the juice of the poison parsnip react with sunlight and cause a breakdown of cells and tissues. Effects can last for weeks and scars can last for years.”

Warning! This Plant Can Ruin Your Summer