The Ultimate Gardeners Cheat Sheet- Spring, Summer And Winter Gardening

The Ultimate Gardeners Cheat Sheet – Spring, Summer And Winter Gardening

The Ultimate Gardners Cheat Sheet - Spring, Summer And Winter Gardening

The Ultimate Gardeners Cheat Sheet – Spring, Summer And Winter Gardening

As an avid gardener, I actually found this enlightening. Sometimes we get so rooted in what we thing is the right way that we can’t see the forest for the trees. Puns. Looking at what other people are doing to pull together their gardens really does help.

It lays out what vegetables you can plant in the ground or in pots and when to plant all the way to when to harvest them. Some plants can be helpful towards each other in fending off pests or in growth.  It’s called companion planting. Keep in mind that growing varies based on where you plant and the conditions at that particular time. This info-graphic really is a nice set of education. Print or bookmark and keep with your gardening tools.

What, How, and When to Plant Vegetables