Housekeeping Tips From Amish Women

Housekeeping Tips From Amish Women

Housekeeping Tips From Amish Women

Housekeeping Tips From Amish Women

“It is believed by many that Amish women are good at home keeping. Their homes are always clean and ready to host a gathering. Their pantries are always well stocked, laundry on the line being dried by the sun, and delicious food being prepared or always ready at the right time for dinner in the evenings. Don’t forget their well kept kitchen and flower gardens. And when there is time to spare, they do make their own soaps, quilts and much more.”

The best advice in this article is to “do your best”. This article is full of handy tips on keeping up with housework, and not always catching up. I’m not ashamed to say I fail miserably at house chores, so this has been an eye opening set of tips for me.

Housekeeping Tips From Amish Women