How To Make A Free Standing Rain Barrel From A Trash Bin

How To Make A Free Standing Rain Barrel From A Trash Bin

How To Make A Free Standing Rain Barrel From A Trash Bin

How To Make A Free Standing Rain Barrel From A Trash Bin

This is an awesome way to repurpose an old plastic trash bin. If you don’t have an old plastic trash bin laying around, they are relatively cheap enough to buy a new one. I think 10 bucks. That is 3 times cheaper than buying a “traditional” rain barrel for sure.

What I like about this project is that it can be places anywhere in your garden, no need to hook it up to your gutter system for it to collect valuable rain water. I am going to make a few of these and place them at the bottom of my garden. Then I won’t have to drag a 200 meter long kink hose down there any more.

How To Make A Free Standing Rain Barrel From A Trash Bin