Why Some People Are Particularly Attractive to Mosquitoes

Why Some People Are Particularly Attractive to Mosquitoes

Why Some People Are Particularly Attractive to Mosquitoes

Image Credit: Dr_relling via Flickr CC

I am VERY lucky not to get bitten by the pesky mosquitoes, it’s very rare if I do. I have always thought it because I eat a lot of garlic but nope. I am literally quite special. In the eyes of science anyway!

We all know that the mosquito is after blood and if it smells right, you are going to be a target no matter if you use Deet or citronella. Blood type O is the mosquitoes favorite and as type O is very common chances are you are this blood type. Read on to see the science and a little deeper as to why some of us get bit all the time and some do not… like me 🙂

Why Some People Are Particularly Attractive to Mosquitoes