How To Make Sleepytime Gummies

How To Make Sleepytime Gummies

How To Make Sleepytime Gummies

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If you struggle with sleep like I do you will know that anythhing that can help you sleep is a godsend! I personally have not made these so can’t say they work but wellnessmama is a good and trusted blog so I want to share her sleepytime gummies recipe with you all today.

Here is why this works!

“As this post mentioned, honey and salt together are great for balancing cortisol levels and blood sugar at night. Even alone, these two are great for improving sleep. That same post explains the beneficial substances in Tart Cherry juice (not the same as regular cherry juice) that make it good for improving sleep quality and length Gelatin is rich in amino acids proline and glycine that help relaxation and sleep.”

How To Make Sleepytime Gummies