How To Clear A Murky Garden Pond In A Few Hours With No Chemicals

How To Clear A Murky Garden Pond In A Few Hours With No Chemicals

How To Clear A Murky Garden Pond

Image Credit: satanoid via Flickr CC

My hubby and I have had many garden ponds over the years, they ranged from small kiddy pools to stravigant waterfall ponds. They all had one thing in common! They got murky and dirty!

I have never been a fan of using chemicals to treat and clean my water because the cats from the area drink it, I guess deer too. Well, this year we are building our 4th pond (in the same spot, we don’t have 4 ponds) and are going to use this trick from the start!

Check it out. This will clean your pond and keep it clear!

How To Clear A Murky Garden Pond In A Few Hours With No Chemicals