Grow This Herb To Cure Your Ailments

Grow This Herb To Cure Your Ailments

Grow Double-flowered Meadowsweet Herbs To Cure Your Ailments

Grow Double-flowered Meadowsweet Herbs To Cure Your Ailments

Did you know that aspirin can be naturally grown in your garden? Did you also know that there is other sources of natural salic acid (aspirin) other than willow tree bark?

I have always wanted to treat my mild headaches more naturally but didn’t want to grow a willow tree just for the bark. So now I ordered some Double-flowered Meadowsweet seeds and will grow my own sweet smelling aspirin bush!

Meadowsweet was the key headache-busting ingredient from which aspirin was synthesized; Bayer Pharma-ceuticals used dried meadowsweet leaves for its original methyl salicylic acid formulation. (before you try this, ALWAYS check with a medical practitioner before trying)

Grow This Herb To Cure Your Ailments