Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet

Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet!

Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet!

Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet!

Often when babies experience discomfort, the only way they know how to express that is to cry. Cranky babies can be suffering from various things — including tummy pains, constipation, congestion, and the flu.

And though pediatrician-recommended treatments and medications are always crucial to follow, soothing home remedies might make good additions to Mom and Baby’s routine.

Experts Say You Can Soothe Cranky Babies By Doing THIS With Their Feet!