Dog Friendly Over The Counter Medications

Dog Friendly Over The Counter Medications

Dog Friendly Over The Counter Medications

Dog Friendly Over The Counter Medications

We all want the best for our furry family members. They mean the world to use with their easy loving attitude. Dogs more than anything else, mainly because I am a dog gal. I found a great list of over the counter medications that are dog friendly and could help your dog out in a pinch or to save you money from not visiting a vet

The vet can get expensive and it is nice to have a cheap way out. Be super careful and triple check on getting the right doses. They work well but too much can be harmful. As mush as visiting a vet sucks, I would ALWAYS consult a vet before giving out these doses.

This chart I am sharing with you all today is only a guide, and not legal or medical advice for your particular pet. Always consult a medical professional regarding medications for your pets.

Dog Friendly Over The Counter Medications