DIY Dog Hoodie

DIY Dog Hoodie

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I have a three-year-old miniature pinscher who weighs 9 lbs. (That’s a Dachshund and Italian Greyhound mixed, even though they look like miniature dobermans!) Winters are tough on him because he is so tiny and barely has any fat on him. I’ve spent too much money on clothes for him, trying to make him more comfortable. The problem is, they never quite fit him. They are either hard to walk in or scrunch up and look uncomfortable.

Then, I came across this perfect tutorial. It is very helpful in showing exactly how to piece together everything to make it a custom-fit for my little dog. I cannot wait to make this for him before it gets cold this year. He will be so comfy and cozy in his new hoodie! Check out the link below for the awesome tutorial!

DIY Dog Hoodie

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