Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed – DIY

Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed – DIY

Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed - DIY

Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed – DIY

“After your space and been chosen and leveled you want to lay out the cinder blocks with the holes facing up.  This will kept the potting soil in the garden and give you extra space to plant something in between the cinder block holes too.  If you plan to make a deeper garden than what we did you could also fill them with dirt (not potting soil) to make them sturdier too.”

If you don’t have much space but really want to grow a few things of your very own, this may be just the garden you are looking for. This article (click the link below for the full article) shows you how to do just that. You can make it bigger or smaller according to your needs and your space.

Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed – DIY