21 Surprisingly Fun Ways To Give Cash As A Gift

21 Surprisingly Fun Ways To Give Cash As A Gift

21 Surprisingly Fun Ways To Give Cash As A Gift

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

We all have at one point been lazy and not bought a gift for a friend or relative. Some because we forgot, some because we are lazy! I know the past few years I have resorted to giving cash because honestly, I don’t want to spend the time searching for a gift for them to only put it in the corner or return it the next day.

That being said, coming up with gifting money ideas is really hard to do. I search the internet  every year for new ideas. The time has come to start the search again for my brothers birthday and I came across the mother load of money gifting ideas. They are all awesome. Some I haven’t even seen either. Check them out and let us know what you think of them.

21 Surprisingly Fun Ways To Give Cash As A Gift