20 Insanely Clever Ways To Organize Your Car

20 Insanely Clever Ways To Organize Your Car

20 Insanely Clever Ways To Organize Your Car

Image Credit: foundandfeatured.com

Some of us spend just as much time in our vehicles as we do in our home, yet it’s the one place we tend to neglect when it comes to staying organized, and always having the things we may need on hand. I like to blame it on the kids; it’s the back seat, after all, that looks like a disaster zone.

And, don’t you just hate it when you’re on the road and you need a wet wipe, tissue, or bandaid but you’ve left all of those essentials back at home? Even though your car may be just a small space, you spend enough time in it to keep it functional and clean.

20 Insanely Clever Ways To Organize Your Car