18 DIY Pergola Plans And Ideas For Your Garden

18 DIY Pergola Plans And Ideas For Your Garden

18 DIY Pergola Plans And Ideas For Your Garden

Image Credit: homestead-and-survival.com

A pergola is an outdoor structure that a lot of people can add to their property to provide a good amount of shade. If you want to build your own as a DIY project, then check out these pergola plans and ideas for your property.

These can be built entirely of reclaimed wood, even pallets to some extent. Either way, having a pergola in your garden will give you a nice space to relax from the beating sun in the summer and give you a place to gather at a cookout or BBQ.

Check out all 18 plans and see if any would be a good fit for your garden. Take advantage of it being spring so you can build one now before it gets too hot.

18 DIY Pergola Plans And Ideas For Your Garden