16 Way to Use Companion Planting to Control Pests Naturally

16 Way to Use Companion Planting to Control Pests Naturally

16 Way to Use Companion Planting to Control Pests Naturally

16 Way to Use Companion Planting to Control Pests Naturally

“Companion planting is a way of planting in which you inter-plant different varieties of plants to enhance growth or aid in pest control. Companion planting is based on years of  experience passed down through the generations and some scientific studies.

Over all, companion planting is simply about plants helping each other- to grow better, to fend off pest and to taste better. Some plants do better when planted with a certain type of neighbor, and some should not be placed in close proximity to each other. How can companion planting help you fight your garden pests? Here’s a list of 16 ways to get the most out of your companion planting pest control.”

If you’re looking for some extra gardening tips to keep those pesky little bugs away, this is just the article that you need to read. Plan your garden accordingly. It’s worth the experiment to see if it really does work for you.

16 Way to Use Companion Planting to Control Pests Naturally