12 Brilliant Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning

12 Brilliant Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning

12 Brilliant Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning

Image Credit: Flickr CC

Summer is fast approaching and that means your energy bills will soon skyrocket out of control and throw your budget out of control with it. Well, thats what I thought until a friend of mine told me about what she does to save money by NOT using her AC in the summer.

The Huffington post, one of the most trusted news networks that I frequent have put out a pretty cool article giving 12 awesome and downright brilliant tips to keep your house and you cool in the dead of summer. This will not only prolong your AC and furnace but also save you a lot of money on your cooling bill every month.

Check out the tips on how to cool your house with NO AC and let me know if you will implimnebnt some/all of the tips. If you have other tips on how to cool your house, send me a message and I will gladly put together another article full of readers tips.

 12 Brilliant Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning