12 Amazing Vertical Gardening Ideas

12 Amazing Vertical Gardening Ideas

12 Amazing Vertical Gardening Ideas

Images From: organicdailypost.com

Grow up! The admonishment of…well, every mother ever, is perfectly apt for your gardening as well. Let’s face it, most of us don’t have a thousand acres of land to grow all the food we can eat in a year. But we all need the nourishment that only our own gardens can provide.

Food that is organic, local, sustainable—tended properly from seed to stem to fruit. There is nothing more satisfying than a harvest from your own hand…truly feeding your family. And what you lack in floor space you can more than make up for in ingenuity—the most American of traits.

Taking your garden vertical can bridge that gap between your limited space and your voracious appetite for fruits and veggies. But it can do more than that; it can beautify your home. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder to be sure, and many vertical gardens have a look that only a mother can love.

12 Amazing Vertical Gardening Ideas