11 Surprising Home Remedies for Burns

11 Surprising Home Remedies for Burns

11 Surprising Home Remedies for Burns

11 Surprising Home Remedies for Burns

At some point or another in our life we get burnt. They maybe not be as severe as the ones in the pictures above, but you will probably get burnt. Whether it’s just a simple sun burn or a third degree burn.  If you find yourself the victim of a minor burn, these home remedies are likely to help minimize the pain. More serious burns should receive medical attention.

These remedies are not to be used in  lieu of proper medical attention.  If your burns have blistered or do not get better within a reasonable time, please seek advice from your MD Here are some great natural home remedies for burns. They range from aloe vera which is very common to St. John’s Wort which isn’t as well known. What do you use for your burns?

11 Surprising Home Remedies for Burns